Episode 20 – Keeping a pulse and having a plan. It’s cool & fun to be different.
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Entering a season where we will be spending time with friends and family, let’s talk about Privacy & Security.
It’s hard not to talk about politics when it comes to “Privacy” related matters.
A war on centralized services and content moderation.
Turkey’s New Disinformation Law Spells Trouble For Free Expression
** This episode is a bit of a ramble brain dump.
- Visited Guadalajara for a week. – why they all use Whats App – Still using plans limited by minutes and texts.
- Tested INVISIV PGPP out of the country
- Tested Silent Link out of the Country
- Twitter Drama – Why Mastodon?
- BTCPayServer.PodServer/v0.1.0 (PodServer allows you to self-host your podcast and earn sats via the Podcasting 2.0 features. ⚡️
Enjoy censorship resistance: You are in control of the feed and files! 💪
v0.1.0 is the initial release 🥳
Please test, report issues and send feedback!)
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