Episode 24 – ‘The Privacy Threesome’ With The Hated one & Side Of Burritos

The Hated One – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjr2bPAyPV7t35MvcgT3W8

Side Of Burritos – youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@sideofburritos mastodon: https://sideofburritos.social/@josh

Join Us On Mastodon! – https://closednetwork.social

Thank You Patreon Supporters!

  • Richard G.


  • General Banter – What current projects or research is piquing your interest right now?
  • Privacy influencers and their speculation responsibility in the community
    – Accepting sponsorship
    – Selling products directly
    – Affiliates and paid ad placements
    – Business models and financing of projects to the topic on influence and responsibility?
  • Is session safe to use with it being an Australian based company?
  • Mobile devices
  • TOR vulnerabilities and attack vectors
  • Q/A from listeners:
    – Question from “the_tinkerer” to all: What made you guys walk the journey of privacy and security? Is there an incident that happened in our life or something that we saw / realized, an event, that led us to walk on the path of privacy & Security?
    – Question from “tsugu” Question directed to THO, what is your opinion on the GNU Jami messenger, a very solid (also open source) cwtch alternative. It’s peer to peer, supports every major feature of any mainstream messenger, and the account creation is anonymous as well.

Article References:
Apple Scanning?


Jeffrey Paul Article: https://sneak.berlin/20230115/macos-scans-your-local-files-now/

Eclectic Company Article: https://eclecticlight.co/2023/01/18/is-apple-checking-images-we-view-in-the-finder/

2 comments on “Episode 24 – ‘The Privacy Threesome’ With The Hated one & Side Of Burritos

  1. J Doe says:

    Great episode! Love THO and SoB.

    Question: In regards to Google Play Services on GrapheneOS, is it ok to install across profiles? I’m a noob.

    Thank you!

    1. Simon says:

      It shouldn’t be an issue, I have it setup for two profiles, they are completely compartmentalized from each other.

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