Episode 7 – The State Of Internet Censorship – Mobile Updates & News

Mobile Phone Update, Censorship – TOR & Decentralization 

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 – CalyxOS & GrapheneOS – Profiles on device to Compartmentalize different profiles and separate app data from each other.
 – Russia is actively trying to stop access to TOR. They’ve restricted access to the TOR project website and ISPs are trying blocking access. There is a call to help by setting up TOR relays, bridges and exit nodes.
Breaking News: Twitter is Censoring News Of The Ghislaine Maxwell Trial?!
@TrackerTrial – Suspended
@NancyTracker – Suspende
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jdJxMoGizI
A lot of people getting kicked off twitter and moving to GETTR – what you should know before downloading GETTR
– Self Hosting Guides
— EFF and the state of NY
Data Broker companies are selling location data even when the user has opted out of consent to sell location information.
Article Reference: 
DarkFi – https://dark.fi/manifesto.html
This manifesto I discovered from – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vhb6v1TXQJw&ab_channel=NaomiBrockwell

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