
Episode 8 – Data Breaches & Privacy – Pixel Pro & 6 – NON KYC BTC

Topics –  – Apple Wallet and Personal Data Storage  – Public Health will start gathering Canadians’ cellphone location data – Canadian Surveillance Concerns  – NON KYC Bitcoin Way You Can Support The Podcast – Direct Donations and tips on our support page Download a Podcast 2.0 app. We recommend Breez or Fountain. You can…

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Episode 7 – The State Of Internet Censorship – Mobile Updates & News

Mobile Phone Update, Censorship – TOR & Decentralization  Way You Can Support The Podcast –  Direct Donations and tips on our support page Download a Podcast 2.0 app. We recommend Breez or Fountain. You can load them up with Bitcoin / Sats and stream sats to the podcast. – NEWPODCASTAPPS.COM Leave a review…

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Episode 6 – Let’s Talk Privacy, Mobile Phones and Bitcoin

Join us for a laid back conversation with my brother Michael. We discuss mobile phones, Linux, privacy and of course Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. Kick back and relax and hangout while we have some pointed conversations around Michael’s experience using CalyxOS on a Google Pixel 4 XL and his journey to a more private digital life….

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Episode 5 – Privacy & Compartmentalization – Using Aliases / Mobile Phone separation

– Separation of personal identity from other identities online. These are referred to as pseudonyms or Nyms. It is important to create different online Nyms to protect your personal identity and reduce your attack vectors. Create different accounts to use for social media, online shopping profiles (Use for purchases) and any other web service…

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Episode 4 – Surveillance Capitalism – Why & How To Protect Your Data – Nextcloud

Please feel free to post a review or make a donation at In this episode we discuss the reasons of why to protect your data including your personal cloud files. We discuss different open source and paid alternatives to store your most precious files, photos, contacts and more. Privacy is not inherent with the…

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Episode 3 – Practical Steps To Be More Private And Secure

In this episode I talk about some very simple and practical applications and techniques to start safeguarding your personal information. These can be implemented on day 1 of your privacy journey.    I discuss the following: – Securing purchasing transactions with the use of – Implementing “sudo” profiles with virtual phone numbers, email and…

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Episode 2 – iPhone to de-Googled Phones – GrapheneOS

In this episode I have a conversation with my brother about his journey switching from an iPhone to a Google Pixel running a de-Googled operating system called GrapheneOS. We discuss the challenges and new found excitement for unplugging from the corporate marketing engine. We touch on the switch to Linux from Mac OS and what…

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Episode 1 – Podcast Introduction – Privacy, Security, Mobile Devices and Your Identity

Hello, my name is Simon and this is my first podcast on privacy and security. My goal is to cover a lot in a short episode on what topics I will be covering so you will know if this is the type of podcast you will be interested in. If you want to know more…

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